The Nomination Processes
Here are 3 options for nominating Rotary Living Treasures.
The Rotary Living Treasures process can be tailor made to suit your specific community and club. The nomination method you choose will determine the extent of your club's time commitment and reachinto you community. Here are three variations. Your club may decide to adopt one of these or create a combination of your own.
Simplest: Rotary members nominate. Your club's committee would provide ballots. The club may pick one Living Treasure from 5 catagories and be diverse as to age and backgrounds.
More community and club involvement: Rotary members distribute the ballots to the community for nominations. This would run the same, but Rotarians would solicit suggestions from their community contacts through personal and busines contacts.
Community wide distribution of ballots: The ballots wide be broadcast through out the cummunity via newspaper, boxes of ballots hung in public locations, houses of worship. Most time consuming for committee members.
The selection Process
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