Ojai Valley Rotary Living Treasures
1996 Treasures
The 1996 Living Treasures
Steve Grumette
Documentary Filmmaker
An Academy Award-winning filmmaker and special effects consultant, Steve will involve the youth of the community in all areas of video production while working with them to create a documentary video on the history of the Ojai Valley. This film will utilize the cutting edge of filmmaking technology and will be largely funded by donated materials and services.
Lenny Roberts
Newspaper Reporter
What's it like to be a crime reporter? Lenny Roberts of the Ojai Valley News offers youth an opportunity to spend time with him on the job. In addition, he will provide youths at risk the opportunity to experience the reality of wrong decisions by thinking about NOT doing something caused by peer pressure
Julie Wellings
Julie will guide Nordhoff High School students through the production of a video supplement to the annual yearbook. Students will plan, develop, produce and edit a production to be aired on Channel 8 with the goal of continuing to produce shows for our community television. Intern applications available.
Bob Chesley
Retired Teacher
Vocational Counselor
Learn firsthand what life is like in the fields of engineering, business, medicine, merchandising. Bob will coordinate camping trips with small groups of high school students interested in a specific field. Each trip will include professionals who will provide information and interaction in an effort to assist participants in making career decisions.
Richard Gould, M.D.
Community Activist
Have you wondered what you can do to prevent the closing of our libraries or other community problems? Does your vote really count? What would a career in politics or government entail? Dr. Gould will supervise a study course using the book The Quickening of America by Francis Moore Lappe. Through this process individuals will learn the empowerment of tackling problems in the community, school, workplace, life, and develop techniques for bringing problems to a successful conclusion.
Erika Coble
Advanced Placement Biology
Interested in the life sciences? Erika will provide weekly monitoring and instruction in an independent study program for advanced placement biology that she has developed. High school students passing the test will receive eight college credits.
John McMullen
Japanese Art & Culture Authority
Discover the hidden treasures of Japanese folk art, architecture and gardens at John's jewel of a private museum right here in Ojai. An expert on the land of the rising sun, John is also available to speak on the arts of Japan or the care and arranging of flowers. In addition, he is on call 24 hours a day for counselling the dying, and will provide training of health care aides to help them develop self-worth through their work.
Ellen Hall
Ojai Valley Land Conservancy Director
What does the environment mean to you? Danger? Beauty? Career? Ellen believes that the love of nature comes from an intimacy and knowledge of nature. She wants to help high school students who are eager to learn and to serve, but are often at a loss as to where to put their energy. Learn about stream ecology, as well as hands-on work in land restoration projects, such as the stream bed restoration in Libbey Park.
John Taft
Founder/Taft Gardens
International Center for Earth Concerns
John will lead small groups into nature to examine our place in the earth environment. You are invited to explore both mentally and physically the effects humans have on the rest of earth's creatures. You'll learn how people's thinking directly affects who they are and what they become. A former photography lecturer for the National Audubon Society, John will offer a second program that will teach the basic rules of producing and creating home videos without the need for editing.
David Bonham
Oak View Postmaster
Do you know to what extent the U.S.Postal Service is involved in the growing world of communications? What impact will it have on your business, your family and you? What career opportunities does it offer the youth of the Ojai Valley? David will present programs which explore new world growth and how youth will be part of it. In addition, he invites groups to tour the Oak View Post Office. For those who qualify, internships are available.
James Loebl
Ojai City Council
Ask Jim the questions you always wanted to ask your city councilman at a live press conference, formatted to student groups. Find out what it's like to be a lawyer, judge, aide to the governor, Deputy Attorney General for the State of California or Secretary of the Committee on Rules, U.S. House of Representatives . . . from the man who's done it all.
Eleanor Brown
Yoga Instructor / Nutritionist
A 30-year teacher of yoga and member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Eleanor will offer 30 to 45-minute Chair Yoga classes designed to assist participants in developing a relaxed, flexible and pain-free body.
Carl Gross, M.D.
What's it like to be a physician? Dr. Gross will accept interns to observe his medical practice. Also he will present round table discussions on health-related issues to the adult community. Dr. Gross will share his passion for sharing and caring by coordinating a small group visit to a Mexican orphanage that is near and dear to his heart.
Patricia Fry
Professional Writer
Author of four books, including The Ojai Valley, An Illustrated History, Patty offers a "how to" experience to individuals or groups interested in writing nonfiction for publication. Topics include: how to self-publish, how to conduct article research, how to market, writing as a career. She is also available to speak on local history, writing, and basic speaking skills.
Roger Kellaway
Composer and Concert Pianist
Have you ever wondered what it's like to express your feelings through music? A Grammy Award- winning musician and composer of 22 plus film scores offers interactive workshops focusing on the piano and keyboard, plus Masters classes for the community. Or, he will talk about the arts from the point of view of the musician and composer.
Betti Ridenour
Director, Illusions Theatre
For those who have dreamed of learning about the theatre first hand, a talented and experienced director will involve interns in all phases of Illusions Theatre productions. She will assist high school drama groups upon request. In addition, she will be available for slide presentations showing behind-the-scenes theatre production or story hours at the Ojai Table of Contents involving audience participation through dramatic play.
Fred Fauvre, M.D.
Founder, Ojai Chapter of the American Heart Association
Through PEP (Physical Education Project), Dr. Fauvre will help provide physical education training to teachers to promote fitness throughout the valley schools. In addition, he will present wellness lectures to service clubs, youth groups and school science classes.
Ken Reeves
Physical Education Teacher
Member, Governors Council for Health and Fitness
Through PEP, a program being developed under the guidance of two local physicians, Ken will train elementary school teachers and aides in the development of exercise programs for children.
Alice Matzkin
Portrait Painter
A painter, whose portrait of Beatrice Wood is in the permanent collection of the National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution, will present Art for the Elderly to the functional retirement homes and other appropriate organizations. The program is individualized to the needs of the group and consists of one-hour sessions incorporating music, art, inspiration, encouragement and love.
Marta Nelson
Painter and Printmaker
Marta will demonstrate the art of print making and will educate her audience on how to identify an original hand-pulled print from a signed commercial reproduction. Hands-on experience for children includes the techniques of papier-mache sculpturing by using old newspapers and glue.
Jane Ray - Artist and Teacher
How does light influence color and form? Learning to use simple tools to illustrate the basic principles of light will help develop a personal appreciation of art. Jane will provide lectures and hands-on workshops for all ages.