Rotary Clubs of Ojai Living Treasures     


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Karen Kaminsky


For the past 23 years, Karen has devoted her time to non-profits. She worked for 13 years at the Friendship Adult Day Care Center where she became Associate Director, commuting from Ojai. She started with HELP of Ojai for the past 10 years where she evolved into an Advocate over the years. Pet projects include the Meals on Wheels garden, donation Notary Public, Brown Bag Food Distribution program, and a ROSS grant person acting in a collaboration with the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy program. She works with clients on issues of Social Security, MediCal, etc. "My goal is to find ways to meet whatever unmet need I come across." She is grateful to live in the Ojai Valley, and we are most grateful that you are here.





Rotarian Fred Fauvre

Rotary Club of Ojai