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Shelia Cluff

 Sheila is an internationally known fitness expert.  She is the founder and owner of two famous spas, The Oaks of Ojai and The Palms at Palm Springs Health and Fitness Spas. Sheila is the former star and host of her own fitness show, "Shape Up with Sheila" and was named "Woman of the Year" by the City of Hope Foundation. She is a founding member of the Committee of 200. She is a former Board Member of the International Spa Association and one of the 15 California representatives for the Governor's counsel on physical fitness. Most recently, Sheila was the recipient of the ISPA Visionary Award demonstrating her astuteness and dedication to the health and fitness industry. Sheila is the author of 4 books and has led more than 40 fitness and beauty cruises.

 I will work with a team to provide school lectures covering all aspects of health, wellness, physical fitness and self esteem.

Sheila can be contacted at Sheila@oaksspa.com